Why and How of Combustion Analysis w/ Tyler Nelson

Bryan Orr interviews Tyler Nelson, an HVAC expert with over 20 years of experience as a contractor. They have an in-depth discussion about combustion analysis and why it is becoming increasingly important for HVAC technicians to utilize this process.

The conversation provides an overview of combustion analysis benefits and why HVAC pros should incorporate it into their standard operating procedures. Tyler offers insightful perspectives from his decades of contracting experience, including his knowledge of how field conditions vary and factory settings may not translate perfectly.

Carbon monoxide poses several dangers to customers and HVAC technicians. Tyler talks about CO poisoning risks and how analyzers can help detect issues. He also covers AHRI Guideline X for cracked heat exchanger testing and emphasizes the need to use combustion analyzers, not just visual inspection, to reliably detect cracks.

Tyler also demonstrates the use of the Sauermann combustion analyzer and mobile app. He highlights key features like replaceable sensors, app control and reporting, and programming for optimum CO sensor protection. He details how combustion analysis allows you to optimize setup, monitor equipment health, and troubleshoot issues.

Tyler and Bryan also discuss:

  • Why combustion analysis is critical for proper HVAC system installation, maintenance, and diagnostics
  • CO poisoning and risks to HVAC technicians
  • AHRI Guideline X
  • The role of combustion analysis in system commissioning, maintenance, and diagnostics
  • Sauermann combustion analyzer and mobile app
  • Advice for technicians to embrace innovations like analyzers while retaining old-school skills and knowledge

Read AHRI Guideline X in its entirety at

Learn more about Sauermann tools at, and you can connect with Tyler on LinkedIn HERE.

Learn more about the 5th Annual HVACR Training Symposium at

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