Vacuum and Recovery in an A2L World with Jesse Stewart

In this podcast, Bryan Orr interviews Jesse Stewart from NAVAC about A2L refrigerants and compatible tools and safety procedures.

They discuss how NAVAC has a full line of A2L-compatible tools for evacuation and recovery, including the new NR7 and upgraded models of the NRDDF and NRDD. Jesse explains key features that make tools A2L compatible, like DC motors, sparkless designs, insulated electrical terminations, soft power switches, and fans. He notes that NAVAC has been designing tools this way in preparation for wider A2L adoption.

The conversation covers some evolving questions around A2L systems, like requirements for strike plates to protect line sets and whether existing line sets can still be used. They agree that ongoing questions need to be directed to organizations like ASHRAE to get definitive guidance. Overall, Jesse emphasizes that best practices are now required, not just recommended, when working with A2Ls. He details several examples, like nitrogen purging while brazing, the “10-foot rule” for checking potential ignition sources, and proper confined space protocols.

Topics covered:

  • NAVAC's line of A2L-compatible tools
  • Key safety features for A2L tools
  • Evolving regulations and best practices around A2L systems
  • Using nitrogen while brazing
  • The “10 foot rule” before A2L installations
  • Working in confined spaces with A2Ls
  • Adapting outdated practices to meet new safety needs

Explore NAVAC's A2L-compatible tools at or general products at You can also ask the experts for help by emailing

Learn more about the 5th Annual HVACR Training Symposium at

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