Short #87 – Our Install Reminders
This short episode is a review of a list of installation reminders made by Kalos manager Jeff Crable. Kalos is doing a bunch of these installs for a commercial customer. Hopefully, the business leaders can take a few things from our checklist and help out their installers.
Whenever we do an install for our large commercial customers, we give our installers a long checklist of reminders; that way, they can do the best install possible.
Some of those install reminders include:
- Don't rush the details.
- Ensure the drain line is clean, pitched correctly, trapped, ventilated, and insulated.
- Install float switches in the unit and auxiliary pan. Wire in series and test.
- Replace the auxiliary drain pan or ensure that it's in good condition and has proper sizing.
- Hang the auxiliary drain pan WITH Unistrut; don't hang with wire.
- Install a new thermostat.
- Attach and hang the ductwork properly; silver-tape will NOT support duct board plenums.
- Replace incorrectly sized breakers (for licensed electrical contractors only).
- Replace old and faulty disconnects (for licensed electrical contractors only).
- Ensure that the outside conduit is watertight or replaced.
- Anchor condensers properly with isolators if the pad is attached to the building foundation.
- Mark the unit with the correct number using paint and stencils or vinyl stickers.
- Post pictures of the units and data tag in the appropriate location in our communication software; make detailed notes.
- Address vertical air handlers and take them as they come.
- If a unit is in a difficult area, try moving to a more accessible place if you can.
- Pour gallons of water into the drain pan and observe draining. Listen for noises of concern.
- All work will be checked by lead techs or managers. Get everything right the first time if you want a full bonus.
Learn more about Refrigeration Technologies HERE.
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