Short #76 – The Freon Sniffer (A True Story)

In this true story from Bryan's teen years, you learn about the “Freon Sniffer:” what inspired him to become an HVAC/R technician (maybe).

When Bryan was working with his uncle at age 14, he was an electrical apprentice who worked in grocery stores. He installed “pink lights,” which were lights that hung on aircraft cable over produce displays. (The aircraft cable came from Bryan's grandfather's aircraft junkyard.)

The pink lights were difficult to install, and many people were unwilling to do the installation. However, Bryan and his family were willing to install that difficult equipment. Bryan primarily assembled the lights and didn't do any particularly dangerous work. Bryan and his family traveled around the state, staying at hotels and working at grocery stores across the state.

In a remote Florida town, Bryan's uncle and a coworker discussed something about checking a “Freon sniffer.” They promised to show Bryan what that was. All they said was that “Freon sniffers” just existed to check for refrigerant leaks in the refrigeration piping.

What really was it? They tricked Bryan into pressing down the disconnect fitting for the produce sprayer, which sprayed Bryan's face. It was all just an elaborate prank to humiliate him!

If nothing else, the situation inspired Bryan to learn more about HVAC/R equipment. Maybe in the future, he wouldn't have the wool pulled over his eyes.

Learn more about Refrigeration Technologies HERE.

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