Short #63 – I’ve Been Doing This 30 Years

In this short podcast episode, Bryan breaks down the most common defense for bad practices: time in the industry. He also explains how to STOP USING IT as an excuse.

When technicians communicate with each other, especially online, they tend to justify their practices with the phrase, “I've been doing this 30 years!” What they don't realize is that their old training (and habits) don't reflect the current state of the industry and the current standards of best practices.

When technicians spend so many years in the field, they may justify bad practices by saying that they've always done a task a certain way. However, as practices evolve in the industry, time becomes less relevant as former practices fall out of favor. For example, beer-can cold is no longer an acceptable means of determining the suction line temperature.

While former practices may have helped technicians get an A/C unit to blow cold air, those practices hardly optimized performance. The goal of training nowadays is to teach technicians the best practices to optimize their customers' systems. IAQ and customer service are also much more important in our industry today.

The HVAC industry has also evolved a lot in terms of equipment, refrigerant, and oil. In the past, refrigeration systems didn't have to worry about oil conversions because we used different oils and refrigerants. Practices that we used 30 years ago are no longer applicable; technology has passed those practices by.

Nowadays, we would be best off if we paid attention to new training and best practices. We must admit what we don't know and be willing to learn more about the technology our industry relies on today. Listening to others is how we will improve, not stubbornly defending our bad practices by saying how long we've worked in the industry.

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