Short #28 – The Magic Heat Absorber (Podcast)

This short podcast episode is about a simplified way to explain the basic refrigerant circuit to new techs. By explaining a component as an absorber, rejector, increaser, or dropper, you may help lock in the basic idea of absorbing and rejecting heat.

The goal of refrigeration is to remove heat from a place. Whether that place is a grocery case or a house, we're moving heat. The overall function is pretty straightforward, but the components can get a little bit complicated. At Kalos, we've found that HVAC/R apprentices tend to grasp the refrigerant circuit better when they can refer to the components by their functions. We move heat with a combination of heat absorption and rejection and pressure rises and drops.

For example, the compressor is the “pressure increaser,” and the metering device is the “pressure dropper.” Likewise, the evaporator is the “heat absorber,” and the condenser is the “heat rejector.”

When we understand that higher energy goes to lower energy, we can understand that the cold refrigerant inside the evaporator acts as a heat absorber. The evaporator coil is lower than the indoor temperature; it can do its job as a heat absorber even in relatively cool spaces. In air conditioning, we try to maximize efficiency by creating the proper temperature inside the evaporator (heat absorber). In many places, that temperature is about 35 degrees (F) below the indoor dry-bulb temperature. Explaining the component in this way encourages technicians to check the space of the temperature and relate it to the evaporator temperature.

The condenser is a heat rejector; it performs the opposite function of the evaporator. So, the outdoor temperature must be lower than the condenser (heat rejector) temperature. Then and only then can the condenser reject its heat to a cooler location.

Learn more about Refrigeration Technologies HERE.

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