Safe Chemicals are Good Chemicals w/ Mike Pastorello

This podcast covers refrigeration technologies' growth and focus on providing safe, high-performing chemicals for HVAC technicians without hazardous ingredients.

Mike Pastorello discusses the 2017 rebranding that gave their products a more modern, cohesive look. He also talks about bringing on new marketing talent like Ashley and Becca to amp up refrigeration technologies' social media presence and connect more directly with end users. Throughout, Mike emphasizes enabling the marketing experts to drive strategy rather than micromanaging.

Regarding products, Mike highlights their priority of keeping technicians safe while effectively doing their jobs. He mentions constantly improving formulas to eliminate skin burns, bad odors, and other issues with traditional chemicals. Bryan shares an example from his contracting company where lax safety practices led to an emergency room visit and realigned his team's commitment to using safer alternatives like Viper products.

They also overview popular refrigeration technologies offerings like Nylog thread sealant and the Venom Packs compact container system. Mike states the Venom Packs will avoid upcoming taxes on traditional gallon jugs. Bryan praises the durable, flexible packaging and smaller nozzle.

Bullet points:

  • 2017 rebrand and modernizing refrigeration technologies' visual identity
  • Bringing on new marketing talent to expand social media reach
  • Empowering new hires to take the lead rather than micromanaging
  • Keeping technicians safe while effectively doing their jobs
  • Continually improving chemical formulas to reduce hazards
  • An emergency room visit underscoring the need for safety focus
  • Overview of Nylog refrigerant thread sealant
  • Benefits of the durable and flexible Venom Packs

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