Q&A – RTU Tips – Short #196
In this short Q&A podcast episode, Bryan answers Jeremy's question about checking the charge on rooftop units, and he gives some RTU tips.
Rooftop units often come in sets, so you can use a thermal camera to look at all of the RTUs and compare them. A thermal imaging camera may even show you where subcooling begins in the condenser, which can be a useful diagnostic hack. Try to avoid hooking up gauges each time you check the charge on a rooftop; RTUs have a fixed factory charge, and losses from your gauges can add up over time. Your senses will also come in handy; check for odd sights, sounds, and smells.
Checking suction pressure and superheat is less risky and imperfect, but it'll give you some diagnostic data. You can also check discharge temperatures to check for signs of compressor overheating (remember: 225 stay alive).
Here are some tips for RTUs:
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