Q&A – Metacognition and More – Short #224

In this short Q&A podcast episode, Bryan answers a listener-submitted question about metacognition and more about critical thinking, reflective analysis, and challenging biases.

Metacognition is the ability to think about thinking; it's about breaking things down, noticing your own thoughts, and understanding the “why” behind their thoughts. Metacognition is beneficial when applied to the “wide” aspects of the “wide-narrow-wide” mindset; it helps with broad analysis and is less useful during the narrow phase when you want a flow state.

Unpacking our biases is useful, but it's most important in positions of power. Biases and assumptions have the most widespread effect when they're leveraged on others by authority figures, but they show up in any position of power (or lack thereof). Many of these are baked into us as mental shortcuts called heuristics, which are the same things that tell us not to touch stoves for survival; they're ingrained, but we have to be able to challenge those and unpack the reasons when it comes to assumptions about other people. However, this activity is time-consuming and not best used in situations where immediate action is needed.

Humans have a strong proclivity for pattern recognition for survival reasons. However, one of the downsides of strong pattern recognition is the risk of associating correlation and causation without taking the proper investigative steps to confirm the relationship between things. The scientific method exists to test a hypothesis and explore the relationship between things in our world. Learning and being open to complex relationships are components of a great mindset to apply to HVAC work as well, and humility and curiosity are at the forefront.

Franco, Zeno E., Kathy Blau, and Philip G. Zimbardo. “Heroism: A conceptual analysis and differentiation between heroic action and altruism.” Review of general psychology 15.2 (2011): 99-113.

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