Micron Gauges – Products by Pros
This podcast is by Sal at Products by Pros, featuring Bryan Orr of HVAC School. In this episode, Sal asks Bryan all about micron gauges.
Products by Pros
Guest: Bryan Orr
What should technicians look at when deciding on a micron gauge?
You should look for superior accuracy and resolution, especially if you'll be doing decay testing. You need to see what the trends are in clear detail. (The Bluvac app makes that easy.)
Why should a tech even use a micron gauge?
You use a micron gauge to verify that you have pulled a proper vacuum.
What role does fear or pain play in the use of micron gauges?
People respond primarily to pain; most technicians in the field know what they can get away with to avoid the pain of punishment for bad practices.
What type of technician doesn’t care about proper vacuum or micron gauges?
They typically come from companies that don't care about having clear startup and commissioning practices.
What is the cost of adoption for high-end tools?
Technicians think in terms of the tyranny of the urgent. They have to take time to learn it, and many of them don't have that time.
What are the pressures techs deal with?
Scheduling pressures are already immense, and field techs are also under constant pressure to get work done and do their jobs even better.
How can techs save time and relieve pressures?
Learn how to do things right and become proficient with newer, better tools.
How do you pull a proper vacuum?
Don't use leaky manifold gauges during evacuation; just use good-quality vacuum-rated hoses. Use core remover tools and keep your micron gauge as far away from your pump as you can get it during evacuation.
What are the incentives for techs to do things properly?
A common thread among many techs is that they want to avoid blame; if we focus on reducing blame, then techs might feel more encouraged to learn and do things correctly. (There will always be sticks in the mud, though.)
What role does integrity play when it comes to business owners doing things properly?
Integrity comes in when we show techs how to do procedures right. When you teach techs how to do things right, the work will speak for itself, and your company will earn a positive reputation.
What micron gauge from AccuTools would you suggest for technicians?
I recommend the Pro for new techs or installers, the LTE for intermediate technicians, and the Micro for pros.
Why do you consider AccuTools micron gauges reliable?
I consider those products reliable because they work consistently with the typical wear-and-tear that's expected in the field. Except in cases of extreme abuse, they seem to maintain their sensing abilities very well.
Looking to learn more? Go check out hvacrschool.com/evac or the AccuTools YouTube channel HERE.
Want to have your local suppliers carry AccuTools? Reach out to sal@productsbypros.com
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