MeasureQuick is EXPLODING with Jim & Joe

In this podcast from AHR 2023, Jim Bergmann and Joe Medosch talk about measureQuick and the ways it's EXPLODING with growth and new features. They also talk about heat pumps, electrification, and other hot topics in the industry.

Jim Bergmann recently released an open letter about heat pumps on LinkedIn; he addressed the shortcomings of the industry from a skill standpoint. The lack of training and standards may be mitigated with proper training (and an understanding of building science fundamentals) or by embracing hybrid systems. Heat pumps may also perform relatively poorly during extreme weather events and may not manage temperature swings well.

MeasureQuick has recently been working with ACCA and formed other partnerships to allow for standardization (for companies and the industry as a whole). More companies are also integrating with measureQuick, especially TEC and their TrueFlow Grid; accuracy across brands tends to be pretty consistent, and measureQuick allows you to mix and match tools. The customer-facing side of measureQuick has also received some development, which allows the customer to see the value and quality of their installation.

MeasureQuick is keeping up with the growing pains by doing constant testing. Joe and Jim make sure the user experience is seamless, intuitive, and free of problems or inconveniences.

Jim, Joe, and Bryan also discuss:

  • Fixing the building envelope
  • Heat pump vs. gas furnace comfort
  • Energy Star certification for installations
  • measureQuick user base milestones
  • Industry leaders, supporters, and partnerships
  • New measureQuick workflows
  • Joe Medosch's role at measureQuick
  • The challenges of the HVAC trade
  • Technology challenges for measureQuick's users
  • Free and paid measureQuick features

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