MCA is 27 and the Breaker is a 50A – Short #219
In this short podcast episode, Bryan and Mike from DITEK talk about what to do in tricky electrical scenarios, such as when the MCA is 27 and you have a 50A breaker.
When you size an HVAC system for compatibility with voltage monitors, like the DITEK Kool Guard, you need to pay attention to the MCA (minimum circuit ampacity), which should not be confused with MOCP (maximum overcurrent protection or breaker size). As long as the MCA is 40 amps or lower, you can attach the HVAC condenser to the Kool Guard. The KG2 also accepts wire sizes up to 6 AWG.
The Kool Guard is NOT a source of overcurrent protection; it is a voltage monitor rated for carrying current, which means ratings will be in MCA, not MOCP. MOCP is designed to deal with high starting amps and lets users know the maximum allowable current for a circuit so that it can trip properly when that current is exceeded. According to Section 440 of the National Electrical Code (NEC), motors with internal overload protection allow for a difference between the MCA and MOCP. You may find higher MOCPs on inverter-driven systems.
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