Maybe Don’t Buy New Tools – Short 112

In this short podcast episode, Bryan and Craig Migliaccio discuss why you maybe don't want to buy new tools.

Whenever you get new tools, you have to account for a learning curve and potential change to your practices. Changing your practices and procedures isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you have to practice with the tool and account for different setup and cleanup procedures. However, once you find a good process, you don't want to mess with it too much. You will also want to account for changes to your tool maintenance procedures.

When you go from analog to digital tools, you want to make sure you understand exactly what you're measuring. So, Craig recommends spending time with compound gauge sets and to understand how to find superheat and subcooling before you start using digital gauges. It's best to have some good tactile experience troubleshooting a system with analog gauges. Probes have several advantages, including their Bluetooth compatibility, reduction in refrigerant losses, eliminated risk of contamination, and accuracy. However, without a solid foundation in troubleshooting, switching to probes may make you a bit inefficient.

Calibration is another factor to consider with new tools. You must know how (and when) to calibrate your tools. Calibration is part of maintenance, and it's something you need to account for whenever you purchase a new tool and learn how to use and take care of it.

Whenever you get a new tool, remember that you want consistency, efficiency, and positive outcomes for customers.

Craig and Bryan also discuss:

  • Pulling cores
  • Evacuation and recovery
  • Accuracy of sensor technologies
  • Finding the tools that work for YOU
  • Muscle memory with tools
  • Ideal applications

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