Is The Future of Air Conditioning Self-Contained Propane Chillers?

Michael Housh and Jim Bergmann join Bryan to look into the crystal ball to see the future of air conditioning and design the PERFECT residential system.

Self-contained propane heat recovery chillers are futuristic devices that do simultaneous heating and cooling. While they may not be suitable for all climates, they can switch between heating and cooling modes, like heat pumps. They may also be able to service domestic hot water centrally as well. Although propane heat recovery chillers are impractical for residential use right now, they could hold the key to the future of air conditioning.

Geothermal systems sound like a great energy source in theory, but the cost of installation may not be worth the investment for many homeowners. You only get payback on geothermal when it's time to replace the unit, so it takes a long time to recoup your initial expenses. While these systems may work well in northern climates, you won't see many geothermal systems in the South.

Even though some customers have personal convictions about saving energy and efficiency, cost, effectiveness, and maintenance are going to be the most important factors to most homeowners.

One of the challenges to adopting new technology is the lack of knowledge of new technologies. We expect a lot out of technicians when it comes to knowing how components work and what they do. When we introduce technology-heavy new systems, it can take a long time for technicians to become proficient with those technologies.

Michael, Jim, and Bryan also discuss:

  • Pool heating
  • Equipment ROI
  • Solving the flammability problem of R-290
  • Radiant heating and cooling
  • Heat exchangers and piping resistance
  • Pre-conditioning outdoor air
  • Niches in the industry
  • Ice banks
  • New flammable refrigerants

Learn more about Refrigeration Technologies HERE.

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