Indoor Air Quality Map & Compass w/ TZOA

In this podcast episode, Ben Reed from TZOA, a disruptive air technology brand, joins us to discuss the indoor air quality map and compass.

We spend a majority of our lives indoors, so TZOA tries to improve IAQ in homes to keep us healthier. HVAC manages airborne chemicals, so indoor air quality ties right into our industry; HVAC technicians will become more valuable when they become well-versed in IAQ technologies.

In residential HVAC, we are already used to listening to customer complaints and observing the home. Technicians (and even IAQ products) can “map” out the customer concerns and home features to develop a comfort and home-health solution. TZOA is working on putting together that “map and compass” model to optimize home health and comfort by noting problem areas and pointing us to the tools to solve the problem.

HAVEN uses a central air monitor (CAM), which is an in-duct, whole-home IAQ monitor that measures particulates, temperature, and humidity. The monitor pairs with software to fulfill the “map and compass” model and assist with diagnosis. The air monitor and software help dispel uncertainty around IAQ products while providing accurate readings that point to solutions.

It's also worth noting that HAVEN's tools can only be purchased and installed by HVAC professionals. So, they're helping bridge the communication gap between technicians and customers. TZOA is also attempting to build trust and confidence in IAQ products through education, collaboration with industry experts, and allowing HVAC technicians to use and experiment with their products.

Ben and Bryan also discuss:

  • HAVEN and TZOA's beginnings
  • IAQ uncertainty and reputation
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Ventilation and dilution
  • The future of TZOA products
  • TZOA's personal use program
  • Working with reputable companies and people
  • Integrating IAQ into maintenance plans

Learn more about TZOA and HAVEN at

If you have an iPhone, subscribe to the podcast HERE, and if you have an Android phone, subscribe HERE.


John Sanders
John Sanders @christineb

Good to hear!

6/2/21 at 07:56 AM

Good to hear!

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