HVAC Training Past, Present & Future w/ David Holt

David Holt with NCI returns to the podcast to discuss the evolution of HVAC training; we cover the past, present, and the possible future of training in the industry.

In the past, we had a lot of hands-on training, whether it was one-on-one or in a traditional classroom setting. These learning practices remain beneficial today, especially since many uninformed practices are still prevalent in the industry today (charging to beer-can cold, condemning TXVs without a second thought, etc.).

However, the pandemic has forced us to consider online and remote training in the present. The content has also changed from the past; we are a lot more aware of combustion and airflow nowadays, which are very important topics for safety and efficiency. Those training topics allow us to understand what we’re doing when we take the “vital signs” of the equipment.

Being better versed in basic and advanced diagnostics will also give us a more holistic understanding of the HVAC equipment as a system, which can help us truly optimize the systems instead of changing parts and making band-aid fixes.

Moving forward, we can expect HVAC training to use virtual reality to help bring traditional hands-on training to the online sphere. We can’t expect a perfect replacement, but we can expect improvements in technology to close the learning gaps that result from online training.

David and Bryan also discuss:

  • NCI training during the pandemic
  • Components vs. systems
  • ASHRAE Standard 221-2020
  • Older educational resources and standards
  • Occupational safety
  • Pricing
  • Online classes, podcasts, and other modern training media

Learn more about the National Comfort Institute (NCI)’s training and sign up HERE.

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