How to Get The Most From Online Education

Alex Meaney from MiTek/Wrightsoft joins us again because he’s an awesome trainer and knows a thing or two about how to more out of online education for the trades.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we've seen a dramatic shift from in-person to online education. The transition has been hard on students and educators alike, but there are still ways to make it work.

Preparation is the key. Before you enter a class, make sure you look at the agenda and required or suggested reading. It's also a good idea to make sure you have the correct devices to access and participate in your online class; don't wait until right before the class to see if you have the right software or technology. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary before attending a class.

One way to boost the effectiveness of online training is to make yourself responsible for another person's learning. When you tutor or teach others, you raise the stakes of your own education. It's also good to take a class with a buddy, as you can fill the gaps in each other's learning.

The learning environment is also important; put away all your distractions, have a clean work area, and close the door to get the most out of your online class. On that same note, make sure you're comfortable; have a snack and a drink during your online training. If you need to keep your hands busy, find a quiet way to get your hands moving; we suggest writing notes down with a pencil.

Alex and Bryan also discuss:

  • Wrightsoft education changes
  • Preparation tips for instructors
  • Education as an investment
  • Ineffectiveness of PowerPoint slides
  • Accountability in education
  • Forcing yourself to have the space to learn
  • Time management
  • Asking questions
  • Watching recorded material
  • Microphone and camera awareness

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