How to END Callbacks

In this podcast episode, Bryan and Eric Mele explain how HVACR technicians can END callbacks with a few best practices.

Rushing through calls will often lead to callbacks. One of the most common mistakes techs make is failing to check the condensate drain before walking away from a job. To end callbacks, technicians would be wise to check the entire system and note any possible problem areas; in commercial HVAC and refrigeration, pay attention to variation across evaporators, condensers, and drainage systems.

Customer service is a huge component of residential HVAC; you can prevent callbacks by listening to the customer's concerns, addressing their comfort issues (even if it lies beyond the obvious problem), checking your “five pillars,” and thoroughly explaining what you've done. Even if a problem seems to drag out, take all the steps necessary to alleviate your customers' fears.

Electrical problems also cause callbacks, especially dual-run capacitors. So, it's a good idea to check for wiring rubouts and make sure the wires look clean and organized. If you can offer an electrical solution to the customer at a cost, do it, even if they might decline it; that way, the callback is on them, not you.

Overall, being thorough, communicating with the customer, and offering solutions is the key. If possible, it's best to explain everything at once and have one money conversation. If you can't get a full diagnosis until the customer approves a repair, be transparent about that.

Eric and Bryan also discuss:

  • Multi-equipment setups in commercial settings
  • Dealing with difficult customers
  • Managing customers' expectations
  • HVAC in new homes
  • Determining if a unit has been set up correctly
  • Smart thermostats
  • Cleaning drains and equipment
  • Preventing flooded starts
  • OEM vs. aftermarket parts
  • Commonly replaced parts (reversing valves, TXVs, etc.)
  • Establishing a process that works

Learn more about Refrigeration Technologies HERE.

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