Effects of Dew Point on Coil TD and More MQ Updates w/ Jim B

Jim Bergmann is back on the podcast to talk about the effects of dew point on coil TD. He also gives us a full rundown on recent MeasureQuick updates and what to expect in the future.

When you see flags in MeasureQuick, those indicate symptoms of specific problems. MeasureQuick cannot outright diagnose equipment; it can only offer variables and educate the user based on the symptoms it notices. Red flags are major faults, and yellow flags are minor faults or functions of the installation (such as long line sets), but Jim wanted to make the flags communicate information more effectively.

While Jim Bergmann worked on the sensible and latent targets, he learned more about the relationship between the dew point and coil TD. In high-humidity conditions, dropping the airflow and dew point temperature can overload the coil with humidity enough to affect the DTD by a few degrees. So, Jim had to tweak the MeasureQuick algorithm to account for those conditions.

When water is on the coil, a lot of heat transfer occurs because water has such a high specific heat value. The compressor can't keep up, and you can experience high suction pressure and high discharge pressure in high-latent conditions. The increase in suction pressure drives up the TD.

MeasureQuick has recently focused on defining targets, making the app work with new probes, and working on a cloud service that allows the user to store information, share data, and benchmark systems.

Jim and Bryan also discuss:

  • MeasureQuick feedback
  • Sensible and latent removal targets
  • Relative humidity and dew point
  • Diagnostic algorithms and variables
  • Communicating information through a rapidly developing app
  • MeasureQuick cloud service
  • Monetization
  • High airflow and duct leakage scenario

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