Effective Filtration & More w/ John Ellis

John Ellis, a business consultant who specializes in IAQ training, joins the podcast to talk about effective filtration, product development, and more. John has recently worked with an OEM to bring field practicality and application to the engineers who design products.

Filtration design is a relatively poorly understood concept in the industry; we tend to overlook a filter's ability to remove particulates from the air when we prioritize static pressure drop. We have to understand how the duct design can make higher-MERV filters work and how the face velocity plays into design and comfort.

John also talks about bypass HEPA filtration and its appropriate uses and potential for misapplication. Bypass HEPA may be integrated with the HVAC system (but run independently of the system) or installed independently of the HVAC; its effectiveness will be dictated by its runtime, and it doesn't filter everything.

IAQ products and strategies need to produce quantifiable results, and our industry needs people to be trained to measure and produce those results, not push products. Education, integrity, and competence are the keys to starting conversations about IAQ methodologies that actually benefit the customer.

When we're ready to have those conversations with the customer, we can show the customer that we prioritize their health, safety, and comfort; it's good to use maintenance procedures as times to follow up with the customer and make sure their IAQ needs are being met. Communication is critical here.

John and Bryan also discuss:

  • Design, production, and distribution
  • MERV ratings
  • Oversized filter-back returns with media filters
  • Blow-by
  • Charcoal carbon pellets vs. activated carbon
  • Oxidizers and microbiology disruption
  • Sales resistance & being pushed to make more sales
  • Problems with circuit boards

Learn more about John's work at or contact him directly at (505)-652-8119.

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