Diagnosis, Reconfirmation, Parts Changers, and YOU


This episode of HVAC School is a Kalos meeting where Bryan talks to his team about an incident where a leak was erroneously detected on the evaporator coil.

The system was three months old, and one of our junior techs diagnosed a leak on the evaporator coil. (What?? That never happens!) So, the customer was quoted for a new evaporator coil. One week later, the charge was low again. The junior technician quoted the customer for more refrigerant charge and leak detection. The customer freaked out.

Unfortunately, there were so many things we could have done to prevent the hassle and frustration for the customer.

All was fine in the end, but we could have gathered more data to perform a more thorough diagnosis, sent out senior technicians to verify the issue, and kept the bigger picture of the service call in mind from the start.

During this meeting, Bryan stresses the importance of:

  • Reconfirming parts before installing them
  • Performing a complete diagnosis
  • Using a micron gauge
  • Becoming a valuable technician

And much more…

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Catching Up with Fieldpiece and Refrigeration Technologies at AHR
From Plumber to HVAC Owner w/ Manly Arnanson
EER in the Field – Short #231
Heat Pumps / Comfort and Electrification w/ Copeland
Efficiency and Production on Larger Projects
Q&A – Circuit Board Troubleshooting – Short #230
Are you using AI to Troubleshoot w/ Refrigeration Mentor
The New Sensi Equipment Interface – Short #229
The Buyout Epidemic – Manifesto
Standing Pilot – Short #228



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