Cutting Compressors, iManifold, and Thermal Imaging w/ Ulises Palacios

In this episode of HVAC School, Bryan talks with Ulises Palacios about some cool technology.

Ulises has become a technology expert through his many years of working with new tools. He has recently been involved in testing new technologies, and he has worked with Jim Bergmann.

Cutting open a compressor is one of the most useful diagnostic tools you can use on a failed compressor. It is also an excellent way to learn more about your equipment. They help quite often with burnouts and mechanical failures. Although winding damage is an electrical issue, other mechanical failures cause winding damage and arcs.

Copper plating is relatively common in compressors. However, it makes compressor failure even more likely, as copper can be easily corroded by acid. Copper in the bearing surfaces can corrode due to moisture, manufacturer additives, and industrial byproducts in the condensing unit. Additionally, POE oil mixes with moisture to make acid. Older mineral oil (MO) does not react with moisture to the same degree.

The iManifold is an expensive but convenient and helpful piece of technology. It takes the information required for the five pillars of HVAC diagnosis. It saves you time on the job site and gives you all of the readings you need. You input the tonnage, SEER rating, and refrigerant to help with diagnosis. The iManifold also syncs up to an app on your phone.

Thermal imaging is not just cool. Like the iManifold, thermal imaging can also be a helpful tool for diagnosis. It can be useful for duct inspections and locating restrictions. It also doesn't have the same accuracy concerns as infrared thermometers because it compares temperatures in an area.

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