How to Keep From Getting Bored at Work

Almost nothing is as de-motivational and soul-sucking as boredom and complacency, and there is often no other place that we experience as much monotony as our work.

Here is my top list of four ways to keep from dying of boredom in business.

1. See the Art in Your Work

Many of us may be running or working in a business that isn’t under the category of “art.” We generally think of artists as those who paint, produce music, write, etc.

In actuality, whoever is putting their time and creativity into practicing a skill of any sort is a true artist, so that could be you: the businessperson, the tradesperson.

It’s important to see the art in your work because when we believe that what we’re doing and creating is ultimately for the benefit of others and will enhance lives, we will invest more of our passion and expertise into our field of work.

If your work has become dreary, take a fresh look at what you do and focus on what you have to share with the world.

2. Do More Difficult Things

If you’ve gotten to the point that you’re doing the same thing every day and rarely put thought into your craft, it’s time to stir things up.
Challenge yourself to take on something more difficult and key into some new ways to add value and creativity to your business.
In the HVAC industry, it’s easy to become very dull at business. You learn how to fix and install A/C units. Big deal.

A few years ago, I realized that to benefit our service team and our customers, we needed to collaborate on new and fresh ways of interacting with the community, start utilizing technology that gave us an advantage in our field, and incorporate a cycle of continuous training.

We don’t always like changing things up, and it takes some work, but doing new and difficult things is rewarding.

3. Pursue Mastery

That’s kind of a self-explanatory statement, but it’s fundamental. Be willing to put in the work, the practice, and the time to become really good at something.

Go full nerd on your job.

Passion often comes once you are on the very top of your skill. Sometimes it takes doing the work for quite a while before having a breakthrough.

In a conversation I had with author Jeff Goins, he said this:

“All my success as a writer, doing online teaching, and being an online entrepreneur is the result of failing at it 8 times, and on the 9th attempt, I finally succeeded.”

If you can be amazing at something, you’ll probably hit the jackpot. Don’t underestimate the powerful reward of mastery.

4. Mentor Others

All right, so we do our job, we take on new things, we master them. Now what?

Involve other people.

You have a voice that can inspire others. Be willing to share your challenges and successes with those around you. Investing in people has incredible value.

You’ve walked the path of hard work and experience. Pull in someone who is looking to become a game-changer and become partners with them on their journey.

Lend a hand and inspire through sound mentorship. There have been a couple of people that I owe so much to when it comes to how they’ve invested in me by their honest and genuine correction, encouragement, and wisdom.




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