HVACR Training Symposium

Let's have an Honest Discussion: What Are We Doing To The Air Our Clients are Breathing?

Clermont 34711
Event Starts: 02/03/2024 Saturday 8:10 am
Event Ends: 02/03/2024 Saturday 9:30 am

Let’s eliminate the hype and myths about IAQ and what can make a home healthier and discuss the known “facts” based on valid 3rd party evidence or that which is assumed to be “valid resources.” This session is intended to be a “What Every Contractor Should Know About IAQ.”

Let’s discuss on a high level the installations that are being installed in air handlers – either subtracting (filtering) or adding (altering) the air. This includes UV, bipolar ionization, Hydroxyl, Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO), and filters that are properly sized and measure static pressure. This session will provide the outcomes of other scientists who were sued and won or settled their cases. You should have a basic understanding of what is installed and what the occupants are breathing. 



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