HVACR Training Symposium

Electrification in HVAC: An Update

Clermont 34711
Event Starts: 02/03/2024 Saturday 10:40 am
Event Ends: 02/03/2024 Saturday 12:00 pm

Last year’s electrification panel was one of the most popular discussions that explored many different sentiments about electrification and industry trends. This year’s electrification panel builds on the panel discussion held at last year’s symposium with the same speakers (with a fantastic new face in John Hoehn, co-founder and CEO of Duckling). We invite back all previous panel attendees (and new ones!) to hear updates on the policies, programs, market sentiments, and ACTUAL WORK that has gone on in this area in the last year.


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NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.



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