HVACR Training Symposium

#Betterhvac: Taking the First Step... and the Second and Third

Clermont 34711
Event Starts: 02/02/2024 Friday 1:10 pm
Event Ends: 02/02/2024 Friday 2:00 pm

Some homes are particularly problematic, whether that comes from improper equipment sizing, duct or envelope leakage, or any combination of those and other issues. Contractors can benefit from approaching these problems with a consistent process while still accounting for a home’s unique issues. This session, led by three TEC experts, will discuss what steps to take when dealing with a problematic home and break the process down into what you should do first, second, third, etc., all in the name of becoming better HVAC practitioners. 

NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.



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