HVACR Training Symposium

How to Confidently Create a Duct Renovation Scope of Work

Clermont 34711
Event Starts: 01/20/2023 Friday 9:10 am
Event Ends: 01/20/2023 Friday 10:30 am

In this interactive session, NCI’s David Richardson will guide you through the steps to determine a scope of work that assures peak performance. You’ll begin by diagnosing specific defects in an HVAC system and progress to solving those defects. Once identified, you’ll recommend a scope of work based on the “System Renovation Scope of Work Form.” You can expect to learn the importance of having a detailed scope of work for both your installation team and your customer.


The following subjects will be covered in this session:


  • Accurate interpretation of airflow diagnostic results
  • A typical system renovation scope of work
  • Review a System Renovation Scope of Work Form
  • How to estimate room airflow in a pinch to identify airflow issues
  • Creating a scope of work for renovation based on your diagnostic testing results
  • The scope of work for the installer and customer – how they’re different
  • Final measurement to assure your results


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