Under Pressure
A few weeks ago, I was hired to consult on a multi-family new construction project.  The building was already framed, and the ducts were roughed in.  The owner of the building was concerned with the quality of the ductwork.  He noticed that the HVAC company was not following the mechanical engineer's plans. This was my […]
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Unconformed Free Chapters
Unconformed Signup * indicates required Email Address * Click HERE for the FPEA Presentation Expanding Your Child's Career Opportunities Here is two free chapters of Unconformed Chapter 1: Papa and Wrecked Planes I’ve got this mental image of my grandfather engraved in my mind's eye. He’s in his office at his aircraft hangar, leaning back […]
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Why is the Air Dry at Altitude?
So, here's the thing. When I was a kid, I got to go skiing in the Rockies a few times. Sounds great, right? Well, yeah, the skiing was fantastic, but the dry air at those higher elevations? the dryness and the lack of oxygen combined felt like breathing vapor beef jerky. Cut to me getting […]
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The Strange Behavior of Moisture in Stuff
Water is weird and water vapor is even weirder – before we dive down this rabbit hole lets define some terms To better understand the behavior of moisture in materials, we need to first define some essential terms and concepts: Relative Humidity (RH): The ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to […]
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Lockout/Tagout Basics
DISCLAIMER: HVAC School is NOT an official OSHA safety training resource! Although we provide safety tips in good faith, our website is not a substitute for safety training from an authorized OSHA training source. Locking out and tagging equipment is one of the most basic safety procedures in general industry and maintenance work, especially in […]
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Zonal Pressure Diagnostics—The Backtalk Series (Pt. 1)
This article was submitted by Genry Garcia of Comfort Dynamics, Inc. It is the first part of his series on zonal pressure diagnostics. Thanks, Genry! Zonal pressure diagnostics have been around for a while. Here is a brief description of ZPD from the website redcalc.com:  Formerly known as the “Blasnik methods” in a nod to […]
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