Wes Davis
Company name: Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)
Position: Technical Services Director

Wes Davis serves as the Technical Services Director for ACCA. He manages the development and maintenance of ACCA’s American national standards and technical manuals. He oversees HVACR education and supervises Quality-Assured contractor accreditation.  He oversees the representation of HVAC contractor interests in the model code development process. He directs responses to ACCA member contractor inquiries, as well as those from consumers and code enforcement officials. Wes was a NATE-certified technician and a licensed South Carolina HVAC contractor. He also wrote Bob’s House, and he serves on ASHRAE technical committees and the RESNET’s Standards Management Board.

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Tech Tips written:

What is Fenestration and Why Do I Care?
Fenestration is a fancy architectural term that means “openings in the outside of the building.” You will see this word a lot when you read ACCA Manual J or when you are doing a Manual J load calculation. Fenestration loads include heat losses and gains through windows, doors, skylights, etc., and they can make up […]
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Introduction to SORIT Valves
Photo Courtesy of Parker/Sporlan There are many brands and styles of evaporator pressure regulating valves (EPR), but none as common as the Parker/Sporlan SORIT and ORIT valves. The diagram above clearly shows some of the common applications. An EPR or “hold back” valve maintains a set suction line pressure and, therefore, coil temperature. That is […]
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Does Voltage or Amperage Kill You?
I hear the following phrase a lot: It's the amperage that kills you, not the voltage. While there is truth to the statement, it is sort of like saying, “It's the size of the vehicle, not the speed that kills you when it hits you.” OK, so that's a pretty bad example, but hopefully, it […]
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