Steve Rogers
Company name: The Energy Conservatory (TEC)
Position: President
Steve has been the President of The Energy Conservatory since 2017 and has been with The Energy Conservatory since 2015.  He previously worked at Emerson for 20 years in technical and engineering roles focused on pressure and flow measurement, and worked for Dwyer Instruments designing their electromagnetic flow meter and flow laboratories.  Steve holds 15 patents, serves on several standards committees for ASME, ISO, and ASHRAE, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University.
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Events attending:

Tech Tips written:

Blower Fan Watt Draw Considerations for ECMs
I'd like to give special thanks to Steve Rogers from TEC for helping write this tech tip and sharing some helpful visuals. Thanks, Steve! ACCA Standard 310 introduced a grading protocol for HVAC systems. While HVAC practitioners won’t be the ones carrying out the tasks laid out in Standard 310, energy raters will conduct them […]
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Improving Humidity Control on the Cheap
This tech tip was submitted by Steve Rogers, the current president of The Energy Conservatory (TEC). Steve has been on the podcast several times in the past and is a valued contributor to HVAC School. Thanks, Steve! As summer approaches, HVAC technicians all over the US are preparing for those difficult conversations with occupants about […]
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You Can’t Eat Soup with A Fork……..
Not if you are hungry, anyways— A true story. I have a good friend who owns an HVAC company. Not much of a Ph.D., but he is known to be honest, doesn’t pull vacuums through manifolds, and claims to almost always use American-made capacitors. We’ll call him Captain Kirk. He called me recently, quite worked […]
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Event speaker:

#Betterhvac: Taking the First Step… and the Second and Third
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

How to Predict Air Flow Issues in the Sales Process
 Chris Hughes and Steve Rogers from The Energy Conservatory discuss TEC's TrueFlow technology and its crucial role in predicting airflow issues in the sales process, particularly for heat pump retrofits. They explain how the TrueFlow app helps contractors accurately measure both static pressure and airflow in existing systems, enabling them to predict whether proposed […]
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What Is Up With Blower Amps & Watts w/ Steve Rogers
 Bryan Orr and Steve Rogers dive deep into measuring power consumption in HVAC blower motors, particularly focusing on the differences between PSC (Permanent Split Capacitor) and ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) technologies. The discussion stems from a question raised at an educators' conference about the accuracy of clamp-on meters in measuring blower motor watt draw, […]
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How to ACTUALLY Measure Airflow w/ Steve Rogers and Eric Kaiser
Steve Rogers from The Energy Conservatory (TEC) joins Eric Kaiser to talk about airflow measurement at AHR 2022. Steve is an expert in fluid dynamics and flow measurement, and he is a trainer in addition to being the president and CEO of TEC. Airflow is one of the most critical elements of an HVAC system; […]
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