Russ King
Company name: Coded Energy, Inc
Position: Founder and CEO
Russ King is the CEO, founder, and co-owner of Coded Energy, Inc. He is also a licensed mechanical engineer who focuses on energy efficiency as it relates to residential HVAC design. He has worked on the development of Kwik Model 3D software and is the author of Introduction to Residential HVAC Systems (2013).
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Events attending:

Tech Tips written:

You Can’t Eat Soup with A Fork……..
Not if you are hungry, anyways— A true story. I have a good friend who owns an HVAC company. Not much of a Ph.D., but he is known to be honest, doesn’t pull vacuums through manifolds, and claims to almost always use American-made capacitors. We’ll call him Captain Kirk. He called me recently, quite worked […]
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Event speaker:

The Great Heat Pump Revolt of 2026 and How to Avoid It
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Friction Rate. Why the Fuss? (WTF)
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

3D Load & Energy Calcs w/ Duct Design
Russ King joins us for a short podcast episode about using 3D load and energy calculations with duct design. Russ has developed the Kwik Model 3D software program with the help of his son, Connor. Kwik Model 3D uses a video game platform to build a house out of boxes instead of a sketch. The […]
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3D Duct Modeling For Residential
Russ King joins us to discuss simplifying duct design for residential contractors. We focus on using 3D software for duct modeling. While computers are great tools for duct design, you must be careful with them. Computer technology doesn't correct your mistakes; it allows you to make mistakes more quickly. Russ made 3D software specifically for […]
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