Richard Trethewey
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Tech Tips written:

HVAC/R Refrigerant Cycle Basics
This is a basic overview of the refrigeration circuit and how it works. It isn't a COMPLETE description by any means, but it is designed to assist a new technician or HVAC/R apprentice in understanding the fundamentals. First, let's address some areas of possible confusion:  1. The word “condenser” can mean two different things. Many […]
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Shielded Control Cable & Communicating Controls
When I first started in the trade, we used to run into shielded control wires on the Carrier Comfort Zone 1 zoning systems and also on a Carrier VVT system I used to maintain at a bank. I knew it had something to do with electrical “noise” and that communicating systems often called for it, […]
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AHRI Ratings Are Not Design Conditions
I’ve been designing a system for a home here in Dallas and noticed a couple of interesting (and disturbing!) things about the equipment’s advertised capacity vs. the actual capacity at design conditions.  Equipment is rated at AHRI conditions (95 degrees outside and 80-degree dry bulb, 67-degree wet bulb inside). These conditions make equipment performance LOOK […]
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Podcast guest:

Richard w/ This Old House Shares His Story
Richard Trethewey from This Old House joins Bryan on the podcast and tells his incredible story and shares some encouragement and laughs. Richard works with his sons, Ross and Evan. He has always worked in a family business and then left it to start his own with his sons. Family businesses truly are the backbone […]
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