Nathan Orr
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Solving Delta T
Delta T is the difference in temperature between two points of the same medium. It is commonly used by scientists and engineers to analyze the amount of heat transfer in a system. In general HVAC terms, it is the measurable change in temperature between an air input and air output. However, it could also be […]
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Don’t Fall for Unsafe Practices: Heights in HVAC
DISCLAIMER: HVAC School is NOT an official OSHA safety training resource! Although we provide safety tips in good faith, our website is not a substitute for safety training from an authorized OSHA training source. Many things may deter people from working in the HVAC industry. Perhaps surprisingly, exposure to heights could be the deal-breaker. (Not […]
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Why is 3/8″ Liquid Line So Common? – Liquid Line Sizing
You may have noticed that 3/8″ liquid lines are generally the norm in equipment 5 tons and under. We went to a job where the system had a 1/2″ liquid line, and it got me thinking about the ramifications of going larger or smaller on the liquid line. Liquid Line Basics The liquid line should […]
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A2L Update With Chemours Live from AHR
 Don Gillis and Dr. Chuck Allgood from Chemours join the show to discuss their new easy as “1,2,3” branding around the A2L refrigerants R454A, R454B, and R454C. They explain that A2Ls are not actually flammable like hydrocarbons; they are just mildly combustible with much lower burning velocity and energy than propane or butane. The […]
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Balancing Evaporators in a Circuit Using the TXV
In this podcast episode, Bryan and Nathan discuss balancing evaporators in a multi-coil circuit. They specifically focus on using the TXV to do so. When we say “balancing evaporators” in a multi-coil circuit, we're referring to the temperature of the air leaving the system; we are worried about the air keeping the product cool in […]
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Grocery Refrigeration Talk #LIVE
In this live podcast episode, we have a fun conversation talking with Nathan Orr and Kevin Compass about grocery refrigeration. The most common types of calls are those where the machine is “not making temp.” Usually, the cases can't maintain temperature due to frozen evaporator coils or backed-up drains. On low-temperature/freezer applications, we must rely […]
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