Matthew Taylor
Company name: Kalos Services
Position: Commercial Refrigeration Service Manager
Matthew is the current director of commercial refrigeration at Kalos Services and brings over 30 years of HVAC/R experience to the table. He specializes in refrigeration and has knowledge of parallel rack systems.
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Event speaker:

Introduction to Market Refrigeration for HVAC Techs
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

Q&A – EPR and Pressure Limiting Valves w/ Matthew Taylor
 In this episode, Matthew Taylor joins the podcast to dive deep into the world of pressure-limiting valves and regulators used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They explore the intricacies of Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) expansion valves, Evaporator Pressure Regulators (EPR), and Crankcase Pressure Regulators (CPR), discussing their functions, applications, and differences. The conversation […]
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Rack Refrigeration Class – Part 1
This podcast episode is Part 1 of a Kalos class on rack refrigeration given by Matthew Taylor. This first segment focuses on the basic refrigerant circuit and oil management of a parallel rack system, common in market refrigeration. Parallel racks follow the same general process as any other compression refrigeration system. However, they contain multiple […]
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Rack Refrigeration Class – Part 2
In Part 2 of the Rack Refrigeration Class at Kalos Services, Matthew Taylor discusses safeties, service, and more. Part 1 focuses more on the basic refrigeration circuit of a rack refrigeration system. When safeties are piped together, we have to keep in mind that they're a bit more complex than most HVAC refrigeration systems, especially […]
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