Kevan Mayer
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Tech Tips written:

Does Voltage or Amperage Kill You?
I hear the following phrase a lot: It's the amperage that kills you, not the voltage. While there is truth to the statement, it is sort of like saying, “It's the size of the vehicle, not the speed that kills you when it hits you.” OK, so that's a pretty bad example, but hopefully, it […]
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Short Circuits
The term “short” has become a meaningless phrase in common culture to mean “anything wrong with an electrical device.” In reality, a short circuit is a particular fault that can mean one of two things in technical lingo: 1. Any two circuits that are connecting in an undesigned manner. This issue would be the case […]
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Refrigerant Charging Basics For Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Systems
Before I start on this one… At HVAC School, we focus on a wide range of topics. Many of them are very basic. My experience as a trainer for over 20 years has taught me that no matter what I assume others SHOULD know, it doesn't change the fact that they often do not. This […]
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Podcast guest:

Recovery Best Practices w/ NAVAC (Podcast)
In today's podcast, Kevan Mayer from NAVAC comes talks about recovery and ways to make it work better and more safely for you. Recovering refrigerant is better for the environment and safer for us. When designing recovery equipment, NAVAC's goal is to limit the gases we put into the atmosphere and leave the planet in […]
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How to Make a Flare That Won’t Leak (Podcast)
Kevan Mayer with NAVAC comes on and talks all about flaring best practices step by step. From cutting to reaming to torque wrenches, we cover how to make a flare from start to finish. The goal of making a good flare is to reduce leaks as much as possible, especially on ductless units and in […]
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