Joey Henderson
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Why is 3/8″ Liquid Line So Common? – Liquid Line Sizing
You may have noticed that 3/8″ liquid lines are generally the norm in equipment 5 tons and under. We went to a job where the system had a 1/2″ liquid line, and it got me thinking about the ramifications of going larger or smaller on the liquid line. Liquid Line Basics The liquid line should […]
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Is a Smaller Suction Line OK? – Suction Line Sizing
In residential, most techs and installers size the suction (vapor) and liquid lines to the stubs on the equipment. In larger built-up systems, sizing the piping is rarely the responsibility of the technician. But what happens if we show up to a job where the lines cannot be (reasonably) replaced because the size is different? […]
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Air Changes Confusion
Air changes per hour (ACH/ACPH) simply describes how many times the total quantity of air in a room (or structure) is completely replaced per hour. If you have a 10'x10'x10′ room, the room contains 1000 cubic feet of air. If the supply and return to the room provide a balanced 100 CFM (cubic feet per […]
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Podcast guest:

Using Refrigerant Troubleshooting Charts w/ Joey Henderson
 This episode focuses on understanding and effectively utilizing various refrigeration system charts and measurements for troubleshooting and diagnostics. Joey Henderson, an HVAC veteran and trainer, shares his wealth of knowledge and experience on this topic. Joey starts by discussing the challenges he faced early in his career when trying to make sense of the […]
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