James Bowman
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Tech Tips written:

Valve Core Removal Tools
Valve core removal tools were originally developed to remove damaged valve cores without the need to pump the system down. This technology was a major leap forward in work efficiency, as pumping down a system can be a tedious and time-consuming task.   Eventually, technicians discovered that removing valve cores led to faster evacuation, recovery, and […]
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“White Shirt Techs – Manifesto” in Practice
I wanted to offer some practical advice from Bryan’s last podcast, “White Shirt Techs- Manifesto.” The link can be found here. In this episode, Bryan strongly (and rightfully) critiques sales tactics that are divorced from technical skills and meaningful benefits for homeowners.  As a one man HVAC company, I wanted to offer a suggestion for […]
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3-Phase Motors—The Basics
Fundamentally, three-phase, alternating current (AC) motors are about as simple as a motor gets. The power company produces three phases by spinning magnets. Then, on the other end, we produce electromagnets that spin the motor according to the same 60 cycles per second frequency (60hz). All three phases are 120 degrees out of phase from […]
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Podcast guest:

Bonus – Leak Sealants and How They Work w/ James Bowman (Podcast)
James Bowman talks to Bryan about leak sealant products, including RectorSeal's Leak Freeze product. James talks about how sealants work, what happens when they don't work, and how to be open-minded without being gullible. Leak sealants must not react adversely with the components inside a system (oil and refrigerant). Just as mineral oil caused some […]
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Hard Start Types and Applications Podcast
In this episode, Bryan speaks with James Bowman from Rectorseal about hard start kits, PTCR devices, run capacitors, compressor overheating, and the Kick Start product. We also go pretty in-depth on potential relays and how they operate. Hard start kits are mechanical potential relays connected to a capacitor, and they aid in starting the compressor. […]
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