Jake McAlpine
Company name: The Energy Conservatory (TEC)
Position: Technical Support Manager

Jake McAlpine is the Technical Support Manager at TEC. He initially worked as an energy auditor and has many years of experience in weatherization, including in the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). His formal education background is in residential building science and technology.

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Tech Tips written:

Two Ways to Prevent Freezing in 90%+ Furnace Condensate Lines
This tech tip came from an email sent by Adam Blunkall, a Tennessee-based HVAC technician. He shared some tips to help overcome this issue in his market, and we appreciate his insight. Thanks, Adam! If we’re draining our 90% furnaces (or any condensing heating system) outside the structure in a similar fashion as we would […]
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Decoding Measurement Lingo
Troubleshooting and commissioning are entirely data-dependent processes. How can you know that a system is undercharged unless you measure the superheat and subcooling? How can you know how much static pressure a blower motor has to overcome? In both cases, we use tools to help us determine the next steps. However, using the right tools […]
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History of Thermometry and the Invention of Thermometers
So, what is thermometry anyway? Thermometry is the scientific study of measuring temperature and has roots that date back to as early as 220 BC. During this time, Philo of Byzantium began to study the effects that temperature had on air. Specifically, he observed expansion and contraction caused by temperature change. He did this using […]
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Event speaker:

#Betterhvac: Taking the First Step… and the Second and Third
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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