Genry Garcia
Company name: Comfort Dynamics Inc.
Position: President

Genry Garcia is the owner of Comfort Dynamics Inc., an HVAC contracting business specializing in building performance, repairs, and new installations for climate zone 1. He has written several HVAC School articles about zonal pressure diagnostics, blower door testing, and equipment sizing.

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Tech Tips written:

Indirect Soldering Technique
As HVAC/R techs, we don't generally do a lot of soldering—unless you are in a shop that has embraced Stay Brite® 8 from Harris. Several aluminum repair products on the market also use an indirect soldering type technique, so this is a general and generic overview of some best practices. As always, follow the manufacturer's […]
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Does Air or Nitrogen Absorb Water?
There are many examples of teaching using metaphors to help someone grasp how something works without being EXACTLY correct. Some examples are how we often use water flow to explain electrical flow or refrigerant circuit dynamics. It's enough like the way it works to get our heads wrapped around it, but there are many differences. […]
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Why A/C Systems Freeze
Let's start with the basics. Water freezes at 32° Fahrenheit (0° Celsius) at sea level and at atmospheric pressure. When any surface is below that temperature, and the air around it contains moisture, ice/frost will form. You can see how water freezes at the molecular level in the GIF below:   In some situations, ice […]
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

An IAQ & Dehum Case Study w/ Genry & Nikki
 Nikki Krueger and Genry Garcia return to the podcast to talk about a recent IAQ & dehumidification case study on a vintage home in Miami. The home was very clean but had a musty odor and VOC concerns. You can read the case study in the “Literature” section at Blower door tests and ZPD […]
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Ventilation and 62.2 Intro & Rant w/ Genry Garcia
 Genry Garcia joins the podcast to give an intro to ASHRAE Standard 62.2. He and Bryan also share a nice rant about accountability in HVAC design. Standard 62.2 is the ventilation standard for low-rise residential buildings, which dilutes airborne contaminants like VOCs and CO2. Before coming up with a ventilation strategy, we need to […]
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Blower Doors Don’t Need to Be So Confusing w/ Genry Garcia
Genry Garcia returns to the podcast to talk about blower doors and why ACH50 may needlessly complicate efforts to tighten a building envelope. A large element of indoor comfort comes down to controlling the load, especially the latent load. Even though we can control indoor humidity sources, we may also deal with infiltration, which contributes […]
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