Eric Mele
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How To Do a Heat Maintenance That Actually Matters
I know I’m not the only one who has sometimes felt a little bad doing heat maintenance. I remember many a day when my lead technician and I (as an apprentice) would crawl into an attic, clean the flame sensor, and then play FarmVille on our phones for 15 minutes before crawling down, giving the […]
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Technology Trade-offs
As a small business owner in the 21st century, I have recently been exposed to the overwhelming amount of new technologies and processes that I could use within my business. In the last few years, there has been a surge of software and connected tools that are entering the marketplace. All of them promise to […]
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HRVs and ERVs in Commercial Buildings
This tech tip is based on a presentation by Joey Henderson, a veteran symposium speaker and excellent HVAC educator. You can learn more about Joey and the work he does at joejoehvac.com and his YouTube channel HERE. We recently published a tech tip about economizers as a means of bringing fresh air into commercial buildings. […]
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

Planning and Layout of HVAC Projects
In today’s podcast, Eric Mele and Bryan explain the planning, layout, and execution of HVAC projects. They mostly cover commercial ductwork but also touch on piping and some residential projects. Planning The first step is to review the construction plan WITH a site visit. It is best to see how a plan works within the […]
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Re-Tapping Transformers -Short 117
In this short podcast episode, Bryan and Eric Mele talk about re-tapping transformers for single-phase equipment in 208v applications. Most single-phase equipment can work for 230v or 208v, meaning that they can operate with low voltage. However, we typically see 208v in commercial buildings. The sine waves of 208v equipment are 120 degrees out of […]
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Compressor Overheating Diagnosis & Prevention
In this podcast episode, Bryan and Eric Mele discuss the diagnosis and prevention of compressor overheating in HVAC and refrigeration. The main causes of compressor overheating are inadequate cooling back to the compressor, low charge, restrictions, and sometimes even poor suction line insulation. We want to keep the suction temperature low while maintaining appropriate superheat. […]
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