Don Gillis
Company name: The Chemours Company
Position: Technical Trainer

Don Gillis is a technical trainer at Chemours. Prior to his work with Chemours, he was a training specialist and HVACR instructor for Copeland. He has over 30 years of experience in the industry, having been an installer, sales and service manager, and service technician. Don has written several tech tips for HVAC School and is a familiar face at the HVACR Training Symposium.

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Tech Tips written:

A Tale of Two Latents
When the quiz or the teacher asks what “latent” heat is, there is generally some reference to it being hidden heat, which is what the word “latent” means. We then learn that it is heat energy transferred that results in a change of state rather than a temperature change. Later on, we hear a lot […]
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Solving Subcool
I teamed up with Ty Branaman to design an intuitive way for techs to solve some of the “what should it be?” questions in the HVAC field.  The topic for this sheet is subcooling. Subcooling is a measurement of the temperature DECREASE of a liquid below its saturation (mixed liquid/vapor) temperature at a given pressure. […]
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Contactor Alternatives and Upgrades
Our HVAC equipment can’t run without the contactor coil, but contactors can develop problems with age and during high-voltage electrical events. Contact pitting is unmistakable, and it’s unfortunately all too common in areas where bugs can get into the coil and fry on the contacts. Factor in problems with the utility, such as brownouts and […]
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Event speaker:

What You Need to Know About Future A2Ls
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

A2L Update With Chemours Live from AHR
 Don Gillis and Dr. Chuck Allgood from Chemours join the show to discuss their new easy as “1,2,3” branding around the A2L refrigerants R454A, R454B, and R454C. They explain that A2Ls are not actually flammable like hydrocarbons; they are just mildly combustible with much lower burning velocity and energy than propane or butane. The […]
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Intro to CO2 w/ Don Gillis
Don Gillis with Emerson joins us on the podcast to teach us the basics of CO2 as a refrigerant. He explains how it works and its applications. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is becoming an important refrigerant for commercial refrigeration (R-744). It is desirable because it has a low critical point and […]
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