David Treleven
Company name: Loblolly Building Science
Position: Principal
David Treleven has worked in the construction field for over 20 years and has focused on building science/HVAC for the last 13 years. He has been a laborer, construction manager, consultant, researcher, product ideator, applications expert, program designer, trainer, college lecturer, and innovation leader. Bringing together knowledge from all his experience, he truly understands the people, the process, and the products that combine to create a successful project.David received an undergraduate degree in biology/geology from the College of Wooster and earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Florida in building construction with a focus on sustainable construction. He has consulted on building science with some of the largest builders in the country. David has served as a subject matter expert for codes/standards, product development teams, building programs, utilities, and research projects across the HVAC and building science disciplines. He has conducted trainings on difficult technical topics, both in the field and classroom, and has presented countless times at industry conferences. David holds multiple certifications, numerous patents and is a licensed building contractor in the state of North Carolina.
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