Dan Wildenhaus
Company name: Center for Energy and Environment
Position: Senior Technical Manager

As a Technical Advisor, trainer, and consultant for residential, multifamily, and small business programs, Dan has become completely immersed in the discussion of what is required to create High-Performance Buildings and the technologies that operate within them. After completing his bachelor’s degree at the Evergreen State College, with a focus on Energy Studies, Dan has developed over 29 years of experience, 15 of them working directly for a contractor, performing energy audits and Ratings, weatherization and HVAC repairs, consulting, and analysis for private clients in both New Construction and the existing buildings market. Almost 15 years ago, Dan transitioned to the consulting side of the business, working with program implementation companies and finding a home at the Center for Energy and Environment. Dan currently provides Decarbonization and HVAC consultation, technical management, market channel development, and training and presentation services for a variety of programs across the country.

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Tech Tips written:

3-Phase Motors—The Basics
Fundamentally, three-phase, alternating current (AC) motors are about as simple as a motor gets. The power company produces three phases by spinning magnets. Then, on the other end, we produce electromagnets that spin the motor according to the same 60 cycles per second frequency (60hz). All three phases are 120 degrees out of phase from […]
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A Tale of Two Latents
When the quiz or the teacher asks what “latent” heat is, there is generally some reference to it being hidden heat, which is what the word “latent” means. We then learn that it is heat energy transferred that results in a change of state rather than a temperature change. Later on, we hear a lot […]
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Solving Subcool
I teamed up with Ty Branaman to design an intuitive way for techs to solve some of the “what should it be?” questions in the HVAC field.  The topic for this sheet is subcooling. Subcooling is a measurement of the temperature DECREASE of a liquid below its saturation (mixed liquid/vapor) temperature at a given pressure. […]
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Event speaker:

30 Minutes or Less and You Only Have…
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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