Corbett Lunsford

Corbett Lunsford is an expert in home performance diagnostics, specializing in building science, ventilation design, and advanced home testing, with extensive experience in optimizing the invisible dynamics of home environments—including physics, chemistry, and microbiology—and applying this knowledge to projects like high-performance homes and educational content, with a focus in the session on designing ventilation systems that incorporate circulation, filtration, humidity control, dilution, and pressure relief.

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Tech Tips written:

3-Phase Motors—The Basics
Fundamentally, three-phase, alternating current (AC) motors are about as simple as a motor gets. The power company produces three phases by spinning magnets. Then, on the other end, we produce electromagnets that spin the motor according to the same 60 cycles per second frequency (60hz). All three phases are 120 degrees out of phase from […]
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A Tale of Two Latents
When the quiz or the teacher asks what “latent” heat is, there is generally some reference to it being hidden heat, which is what the word “latent” means. We then learn that it is heat energy transferred that results in a change of state rather than a temperature change. Later on, we hear a lot […]
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Solving Subcool
I teamed up with Ty Branaman to design an intuitive way for techs to solve some of the “what should it be?” questions in the HVAC field.  The topic for this sheet is subcooling. Subcooling is a measurement of the temperature DECREASE of a liquid below its saturation (mixed liquid/vapor) temperature at a given pressure. […]
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Podcast guest:

Making of a TV Show About Home Performance (Podcast)
In today's podcast, I talk with Corbett Lunsford about his new show about home performance and diagnosis. Home Diagnosis airs on PBS in winter 2018. Even though Home Diagnosis mostly deals with building performance, HVAC work is a large component of overall home performance. Corbett Lunsford used to be a pianist before becoming a building performance expert. He […]
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Blower Door Testing, Building Performance & More w/ Corbett Lunsford (Podcast)
In this podcast episode, Bryan talks to Corbett Lunsford about blower door testing and the coming building performance revolution. Building performance and HVAC have been becoming much more closely linked lately. So, it's a good idea for HVAC techs to learn a bit about building performance. In the HVAC world, we often see homes with […]
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