Christian Pyles
Company name: The Chemours Company
Position: North American Market Development Consultant

Christian Pyles is the current NA Market Development Consultant for The Chemours Company. He has extensive sales management and marketing experience in the HVAC/R industry, including in VRF and ductless technologies across multiple companies and regions.

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Tech Tips written:

Air Changes Confusion
Air changes per hour (ACH/ACPH) simply describes how many times the total quantity of air in a room (or structure) is completely replaced per hour. If you have a 10'x10'x10′ room, the room contains 1000 cubic feet of air. If the supply and return to the room provide a balanced 100 CFM (cubic feet per […]
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Non-Invasive Testing: A Smarter Approach to System Diagnostics
This tech tip comes from a post in the HVAC School Facebook group by Ed Janowiak. Ed is the Manager of HVAC Design Education at ACCA, a longtime friend of HVAC School, and an educator who does a lot of great work for the industry. Thanks, Ed! This past Thursday, I taught a class where […]
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What is Fenestration and Why Do I Care?
Fenestration is a fancy architectural term that means “openings in the outside of the building.” You will see this word a lot when you read ACCA Manual J or when you are doing a Manual J load calculation. Fenestration loads include heat losses and gains through windows, doors, skylights, etc., and they can make up […]
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What You Need to Know About Future A2Ls
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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