Bert Testerman
Company name: Kalos services
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Pool Heater Water Flow Issues
As you may already know, we work on pool heaters at Kalos as a way of opening ourselves up to some extra business during the winter. We find that it's a worthwhile line of work, and it may be something that other residential HVAC companies may want to consider doing. This tech tip by Bert […]
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Podcast guest:

Leak Detection – Spidey Sense
 In this episode of the Spidey Sense series, Bryan and Bert dive deep into the art of refrigerant leak detection, sharing their wealth of experience and practical tips for HVAC technicians. They emphasize the importance of using one's senses and observation skills before relying solely on electronic tools, highlighting how this “Spidey Sense” approach […]
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Preventing Low Voltage Issues
In this episode, Bryan and Bert dive deep into the world of low voltage wiring in HVAC systems. They discuss common mistakes, best practices, and troubleshooting techniques that technicians and contractors should be aware of when dealing with control wiring. The conversation begins with a focus on mechanical issues, such as running wires in places […]
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What’s Different About Pool Heaters w/ Bert
 In this podcast, Bryan Orr and Bert discuss various aspects of pool heaters, focusing on issues that make them different from typical HVAC systems. They cover the basics of pool heaters – the main types (heat pumps and gas heaters) and how they operate similarly or differently from things HVAC techs work on regularly. […]
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