Ben Reed
Company name: measureQuick
Position: Growth Specialist

Ben Reed is the growth specialist at measureQuick and brings years of research and product management experience in the HVAC, electrical, IoT, and engineering industries.

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Tech Tips written:

Bernoulli’s Principle
Have you ever thought about the relationship between velocity and pressure? If you think about a fluid being forced through a small orifice, you can fairly easily picture the fluid speeding up as it goes through the orifice. However, did you also know that the surrounding static pressure DECREASES at the point of high velocity? […]
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How To Do a Heat Maintenance That Actually Matters
I know I’m not the only one who has sometimes felt a little bad doing heat maintenance. I remember many a day when my lead technician and I (as an apprentice) would crawl into an attic, clean the flame sensor, and then play FarmVille on our phones for 15 minutes before crawling down, giving the […]
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Technology Trade-offs
As a small business owner in the 21st century, I have recently been exposed to the overwhelming amount of new technologies and processes that I could use within my business. In the last few years, there has been a surge of software and connected tools that are entering the marketplace. All of them promise to […]
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Event speaker:

The Devil is in the Data
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

Indoor Air Quality Map & Compass w/ TZOA
In this podcast episode, Ben Reed from TZOA, a disruptive air technology brand, joins us to discuss the indoor air quality map and compass. We spend a majority of our lives indoors, so TZOA tries to improve IAQ in homes to keep us healthier. HVAC manages airborne chemicals, so indoor air quality ties right into […]
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