Kaleb Saleeby
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Tech Tips written:

Coil Cleaners: A Guide to Which Cleaners to Use in Various Applications
Spring and fall are the seasons where all service technicians get turned into janitors. Some techs see this as a chore and don’t particularly enjoy the routines of checklist maintenance. However, it is important to remember that the “shoulder seasons” provide an opportunity for us to perform vital maintenance on systems in order to keep […]
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Bypass Dehumidification/Airflow HVAC Design
There have been several past posts on our Facebook group page about a concept called bypass dehumidification. I think technicians could benefit from learning more about this topic.  Bypass dehumidification or airflow is an interesting method for utilizing mixed air temperatures to maximize a system’s dehumidification capabilities. It's also a means of supplying adequate air […]
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HVAC Soft Skills Best Practices
In the residential HVAC industry, technicians are faced with customers every day. Each interaction presents its own set of unique challenges since no two customers are ever the same. While the variety of people we may encounter is wide, the HVAC technician's variety of soft skills and intuitive ability to communicate needs to be even […]
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Video guest:

Podcast guest:

Comfort Investigation on TV w/ Corbett Lunsford
 Corbett Lunsford of Home Diagnosis joins Kaleb to record a podcast about comfort investigation on TV. The two of them discuss how comfort investigation works on TV shows, what Home Diagnosis hopes to accomplish, and some building performance tips. Home Diagnosis is mostly aimed at homeowners, but HVAC technicians would also benefit from the show, as it dives into […]
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New Educational Options w/ Faraday
 Alex and Nicole of Faraday join Kaleb Saleeby and Ty Branaman to talk about new educational formats and options in the HVAC industry. Alex is the founder of Faraday, and Nicole is the head of operations. Ty is a notable HVAC educator who supports Faraday and its mission. Faraday is a free educational program […]
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Effective IAQ Measurement & Control w/ Haven
In this podcast, Ben from HAVEN IAQ, Kaleb, and Bryan discuss how to control indoor air quality and take effective, meaningful, accurate measurements. HAVEN is a platform that offers hardware and software delivered to a homeowner through an HVAC professional. HAVEN’s goal is to give its customers a healthier, more comfortable home using IAQ solutions. […]
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