Brett Wetzel
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The Difference Between Variable-Speed and X13 Motors
First, let's cover the basics. X13 is a brand name for the Regal Beloit/Genteq brand of constant torque motors; there are other manufacturers that make them, but the term “X13” has become pretty much synonymous with the fractional horsepower HVAC constant torque motor. Also, this article specifically discusses common residential/light commercial motors. There are other […]
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It’s All Relative… Humidity
Florida’s got a lot of great qualities: some pretty neat wildlife, beaches all around, and theme parks. On the flip side, Florida also has hurricanes and a lot of humidity. As much of a pain as it might be for residents and contractors alike, humidity is one of my favorite topics.  We see relative humidity […]
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The Heating Sequence of Operations and Onions
Just like Shrek, I like to think about the heating sequence of operations as an onion—it has layers. And each layer builds upon the previous one. We have written previously in great detail about gas furnaces, from top to bottom. I want to focus today on why there is a sequence of operations and how […]
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Commercial Rack Refrigeration Component Identification
Brett Wetzel and Kevin Compass from the Advanced Refrigeration Podcast join us to discuss commercial rack refrigeration and identify components. In supermarket racks, we typically have anywhere from 2-5 compressors on a single rack (with multiple evaporators, metering devices, and sometimes even condensers). These compressors may come in several varieties (including screw and scroll) and be digital […]
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